Sunday, December 14, 2014

People who say things hoping it gets under your skin.

This morning when i woke up i had a 8 rude comments on my instagram from some obvious unhappy immature young lady. Telling me how fugly she thinks i am.  do you think i care? No!! there's nothing anyone can say to break me. so these are the my words for this girl or anyone else who going to leave me hate comments.

effyourbeautystandars!!!! I love makeup, I love putting it on, i love taking pictures, I love my self inside and out. And i will not stop! I was raise in a home where i was told i was beautiful and to always follow my dreams. I have learn that not everyone is going to support everything you do. But that shouldn't break you or making you feel unworthy. If you love makeup who cares what other people think about it. Do it because it's something you love. I don't need no body telling me what i need to look like or what they feel is beautiful. I am beautiful!

sweet heart if your attentions were to leave me disrespectful comments cause you thought it was going to hurt my feeling. You failed. Normally someone would say they that this negativity makes them stronger. But you failed at that as well. For i am already strong, I stay confident, and your words are just like bubbles. you blew words around, they lasted  all but 5 seconds and pop! that's it, don't even excite anymore. I don't get it. if you didn't like it ,why did you take the time to make comments on not one but 8 pictures. It's as simple as moving onto the next persons page.  No you thought that calling me names and saying all that was going to get under my skin. oh look you failed again. And the only reason i'm taking the time to even knowledge this is because i want anyone who is doing something they love weather it be singing, dancing, makeup, crafting, ect... don't stop just because one person doesn't like it. And for the girl who called me fugly, Go do something better with your time kid. And besides blowing all that dirty dragon breath around, your bubbles will never stay afloat!

You can think whatever you want about what i do. I found love for makeup. my makeup might not be up to yours standard. I can give a f*ck about your standard.  Never said i was a professional. I do it cause i want to ..period. so take a selfie and #effyourbeautystandars  And if you can't love your self how in the hell yo gonna love somebody else. Can i get an amen!

stay beautiful, stay creative, stay you!


Be Confident!!!!!!


  1. Love this post! I don't understand at all why people make negative comments. It's really strange that it can make anyone feel better, It would just make me feel terrible!

  2. Well i try to be positive. I surround my self around positive people too. So it was very easy for me to just not care how she felt. I took that day to tell 50 people how beautiful i thought they were. turn the negativity into a positive. Us girls have to stick together. we should be supporting, not bashing.
